Here is what the final four teams have for pieces up until now: 1. YELLOW TEAM: Greg and Amber (Trust), (Teamwork), (Perseverance), (Discipline), (Commitment), (Heart) 2. GRAY TEAM: Sportacus and Stephanie (Leadership), (Strength) 3. ORANGE TEAM: Z and Deedee (Knowledge) 4. GREEN TEAM: Steve and Terri (Courage), (Luck)
The next day JD had us do our fourth Temple Mission. Here is what JD said when the final four teams went to go see him "Watching you guys come down here I am almost looking for the rest of you. You know what I mean it's only down to the final four teams. So after tonight the final four will become the final three." Then JD told us what the Temple Mission was and in the end the Yellow team won again and they get to choose two teams to go up to the Temple. Later that day JD ask the Yellow team which two teams are going up to Temple. Then JD said "Amber which two teams are going up to the Temple tonight." Then Amber said "Well we thought long a hard and we decided that the Green team...won't be going to Temple tonight Orange and Gray are going." Then JD said "Orange and Gray pack your bags and say your good-byes and I will see you up at the Temple at sunset." So the Orange and Gray teams packed their bags and said their good-byes to the Green and Yellow teams and then they headed up to the Temple of Fate where JD was waiting for them. Then JD said "Welcome Orange team and it's a Welcome back to the Gray team. Gray you been up here twice before and I got to say no team in the history of Endurance has been up to Temple three times and went back three times that doesn't mean it could happen but it will be the first if you won tonight." Then JD had the teams pick an element and after awhile the Orange team chose fire and the Gray team chose wood. So the Orange team won the first round and in the second round the Orange team chose wood and the Gray team chose fire. So the Gray team won the second round and in the third round the Orange team chose water as did the Gray team. So now they have to do a fourth round and this time the Orange team chose water again and the Gray team chose fire. So the Gray team was the fourth team to get eliminated and the Orange team got to go back down and see their friends and the Green team and Yellow team were happy to see the Orange team come back.