The next day JD had us do our first Temple Mission. The winner of the mission gets to send any two teams up to the Temple of Fate. Then after the teams did the Temple Mission JD said that the Yellow team won again. So a little while later JD was talking to us to see who the Yellow team would send up to the Temple of Fate and JD said "Remember only two teams go up there but one team comes back," then JD turns to the Yellow team and asks "So Yellow what two teams would be going to the Temple." Then Amber said "Well after awhile Greg and I decided to choose a team to go up I chose the Purple team." Then Greg said "The team that I chose was the Gray Team." Then JD said "Gray and Purple pack your bags and say your good-byes and at sunset I will see you up at the Temple." So the Gray and Purple teams did all that and then it was time for them to go see JD up at the Temple. So the Gray and the Purple teams arrived at the Temple where JD was waiting for them. Then JD said "Welcome to the Temple of Fate the most Feared place on Endurance. In front of you there are three cauldons one contains water, one contains fire and one contains wood. You know that wood floats on water, water puts out fire and fire burns wood. The first team to win two rounds gets to stay on Endurance. So grab your first piece." Then after awhile the teams chose what element they think would win them the round. Then JD took both of the teams pieces and put them into the burning cauldon behind him. Then JD said "Let's see both elements raise now." So both the elements rose up and it was Fire for the Gray team and Wood for the Purple team and that means that the Gray team won the first round. Then JD said "Gray, you win this next round you will go back and see your friends. Purple you have to win this to stay in the game." Then the teams picked their second element and after awhile JD said "Let's see both elements raise now." Then the elements rose up and the teams picked the exact opposite pick this time. So they have to do a third round and in the third round the Gray team chose wood and the purple team chose water. So the Gray team won and the Purple was sent home. Then JD said "Congratulations Gray team why don't you grab your stuff and go see your friends. Then the Gray team went back to see their friends and we were all happy to see the Gray team back.