Here's a list of the teams that have gone home so far: 1. Purple team-Jeff and Greg's wife 2. Red team-Murray and his wife 3. Blue team-Anthony and his wife
So now there are four teams left and they are along with the pieces that they have: 1. YELLOW TEAM: Greg and Amber (Trust), (Teamwork), (Perseverance), (Discipline) 2. GRAY TEAM: Sportacus and Stephanie (Leadership), (Strength) 3. ORANGE TEAM: Z and Deedee (Knowledge) 4. GREEN TEAM: Steve and Terri (Courage)
So then JD was talking to us and then JD said "You all know that the Blue team went home last night and they left their two pieces and a note and Greg would you like to read it." So then Greg read the note and the Blue team said in the note that they are giving their pieces to the Yellow team. Now the Yellow has a commanding lead. Here is what the teams have now: 1. YELLOW TEAM: Greg and Amber (Trust), (Teamwork), (Perseverance), (Discipline), (Commitment), (Heart) 2. GRAY TEAM: Sportacus and Stephanie (Leadership), (Strength) 3. ORANGE TEAM: Z and Deedee (Knowledge) 4. GREEN TEAM: Steve and Terri (Courage)
Later that day JD had us do our fourth Endurance Mission. Then JD said "So whoever wins this gets the Luck piece and the Samadhi. So in the end the Green team won their first mission and they won their first piece the Luck piece and then later that day all four teams went to go see JD up at the little island. Then JD said "So Green Team congrats on winning your first mission and now you have control over the Samadhi so Green team who are you going to give the Samadhi to." Then Terri of the Green said "We thought long and hard about this and we are going to give the Samadhi to the strongest team here and that will be the Gray team." Then JD said "Gray team grab the Samadhi from Green and bring it up here and we'll see what is in it?" So the Gray team broke the Samadhi against the rock and in it was a little note saying that a foot of the Gray team's rope will be cut off. Then JD said "That doesn't mean that they are going to the Temple it just means that it will be a little hard to save themselves from going to the Temple."