The next day JD had us do our first Endurance Mission. Then JD said "Who ever wins this gets the Teamwork piece and control over the Samadhi." So the 7 teams did the mission and at the end the Yellow Team won. So JD gave Greg and Amber the Teamwork piece and then he said that we could give the Samadhi to any team that we want to give it to. Then after JD left the other teams were congratulating us. So later that day all 7 teams went to go see JD at this little island (as JD likes to call it) so then we got to talking and then JD turns to the Yellow Team and asks us what team we were going to give the Samadhi to. So I said "Well I am friends with the Gray, Orange and Green Teams while Greg is friends with the Red, Purple and Blue teams. Then after Greg and I got through talking about who we wanted to give the Samadhi to well at first Greg wanted to give the Samadhi to the Gray team because they are a strong team but I didn't want to give it to them so I decided to give it to the Purple team." Then JD said "So the Purple team gets it." Then I said "Yeah we are going to give it to the Purple team, but Greg doesn't want them to get it, but they're getting it anyways." So the Yellow team hands the Samadhi over to the Purple team and they walked up to where JD is at and JD tells them to break it against the rock and so they do that and they find out what was in it and it is a staute of a man who looks unhappy and he is sitting down which that means the Purple team has to sit out in tomorrows Temple Mission. That doesn't mean that they are going to the Temple it just means that they can't save themselves from going to the Temple.